Surprise after the announcement from Buckingham Palace regarding King Charles III’s cancer. An hour was enough

Surprise after the announcement from Buckingham Palace regarding King Charles III's cancer.  An hour was enough

Buckingham Palace issued a statement on King Charles III’s cancer in order to influence citizens and encourage them to undergo regular tests. Just an hour after the announcement, the British National Health Service website reported record results about possible signs and symptoms of cancer.

Buckingham Palace announced in a statement on Monday, February 5, that King Charles III had been diagnosed with a “form of cancer.” It has not been revealed what type of cancer the British monarch was diagnosed with. It was noted, however, that King Charles III decided to publicly share his diagnosis, among others. in order to influence citizens and encourage them to carry out regular tests.

The goal has been achieved. NHS England (the British health service – the equivalent of the Polish National Health Fund – ed.) noted that the diagnosis of the British monarch caused 51 percent. an increase in searches on her site about possible signs and symptoms of cancer. Just one hour after the announcement was announced, the website was visited by 1,530 people. One visit occurred on average every three seconds.

King Charles III has cancer. After the Buckingham Palace announcement, the number of searches about cancer increased

And in the 24 hours since Buckingham Palace’s announcement was made public, visits to the cancer signs and symptoms page rose to 14,668, compared to a daily average of 9,737 last week. – Talking about cancer helps save lives and it’s really important that more people learn about advice on how to recognize the possible signs and symptoms of cancer, said NHS National Director for Cancer, Prof. Peter Johnson.

– One in two of us will develop some form of cancer in our lifetime, but thanks to continued progress, more cancers are now diagnosed at an early stage than ever before, and survival rates are the highest they have ever been. Detecting cancer early gives the best chance of effective treatment, so I encourage everyone to visit their GP if they have worrying symptoms and to come for screening appointments when they receive them, he added.

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