Suski wanted to go into custody. He wasn’t allowed in

Suski wanted to go into custody.  He wasn't allowed in

On Thursday, the “Protest of Free Poles” took place in front of the Sejm. The event, which lasted several hours, was attended by – according to various estimates – at least several dozen thousand people. Some of them moved to Radom.

During the Warsaw event, the following spoke: Jaroslaw Kaczynski. – Some of you go towards Radom through Radom, and some go through Ostrołęka. Stop in front of these prisons and briefly demonstrate there and demand that both Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik, our two colleagues, comrades in arms, friends, be released – urged the president of Law and Justice.

MP Marek Suski listened to Jarosław Kaczyński’s words. He led the demonstration that took place on the night from Thursday to Friday in front of the Remand Center in Radom. Mariusz Kamiński, convicted by a final judgment, is in this custody.

Protest in front of the Remand Center in Radom

However, not everything was to go as planned by MP Marek Suski. “Remand Center in Radom now. Marek Suski wanted to go inside, but the services did not let him. Several dozen protesters at the gate,” signed Michał Gołębiowski, TVN24 reporter, who published the video on social media.

The incident did not prevent the protest from continuing, and Barbara Kamińska, Mariusz Kamiński’s wife, spoke. – I’m happy that you are with us. Be in solidarity with Mariusz and Maciek. Let them hear our voice. Let Mariusz Kamiński know that there are people who fight evil – she said to the gathered crowd.

Kacper Kamiński, the son of a convicted politician, also appeared under arrest and made his presence felt on social media. He published photos of a banner with the words “Free Kamiński and Wąsik” and announced another protest: “Crowds in Radom. This is Poland! See you tomorrow at 6 p.m.!”

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