Szymon Hołownia about CPK. “I changed my mind”

Szymon Hołownia about CPK.  "I changed my mind"

I was very skeptical about the construction of the CPK due to the very high social costs of this project. I changed my mind because Poland is the last large EU country without a cargo and passenger air hub, said the Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia.

On Saturday, the Marshal of the Sejm and the leader of Poland 2050, Szymon Hołownia, presented his party's strategy for the development of Poland. It is based on three pillars: “polycentric development, innovative economy and great transport transformation.”

Hołownia changes its mind regarding CPK

Hołownia commented, among others: to infrastructure development plans, including the need to develop railway networks. He admitted that although he was previously skeptical about the CPK project, he now changed his mind.

– The number of railway tracks in use today is smaller than in 2004. There is no way of developing Poland without modern infrastructure enabling the quick and efficient transport of people and goods. I was very skeptical about the construction of the CPK due to the very high social costs of this project. I changed my mind because Poland is the last large EU country without a cargo and passenger air hub and it seems that this project can be carried out without destroying people's lives – said the leader of Poland 2050, quoted by Interia.

– Building the tenth largest airport in the European Union is not a megalomaniacal project for the sixth largest economy in the EU – added.

Hołownia emphasized that the foundation of building the CPK is “not to destroy people's lives.” – By the end of the decade, we must build this airport and a high-speed railway between Warsaw, Łódź, Poznań and Wrocław. But the development of infrastructure cannot only mean fast trains between metropolises. A development goal tailored to Polish needs and ambitions is “100-minute Poland” – access from every city in the voivodeship to the regional capital by public transport in a maximum of 100 minutes. This is truly within our reach today – said the Speaker of the Sejm.

The leader of Poland 2050 announced that he would convince coalition partners to support his projects.

Poles about the construction of the CPK

A survey by the SW Research agency for “Wprost” published in early May shows that more than half of Poles want the current team to continue the construction of the CPK. To the question “Do you think the CPK construction project should be continued?” 53 percent answered affirmatively. respondents. 23% were of the opposite opinion. respondents, and 24 percent has no opinion on this matter.

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