The airport on a popular holiday island is under threat. Residents want to block them

The airport on a popular holiday island is under threat.  Residents want to block them

Polish tourists flying to Palma can expect difficulties. Activists plan to block the busy airport to passenger traffic.

The Spanish Balearic Islands, beloved by Poles, say enough is enough to tourists, of whom there are far too many arrivals every year. First, local authorities decided to impose restrictions on alcohol consumption in Ibiza and Majorca. Now residents of one of the islands are plotting to block the busy airport in Palma de Mallorca as part of a holiday protest.

Protests at the airport

A group of activists from the organization Menos Turisme, Mes Vida (translated: Less Tourism, More Life) organized a “citizens' meeting” on the island, attended by over 300 people, to organize mass protests. Thousands of vacationers who are planning a summer holiday on one of the most popular Spanish islands should keep up to date with the announcements. A group of residents dissatisfied with the excess of visitors is planning to suspend the operation of the only airport in Majorca, the port in Palma de Mallorca, during the high tourist season. Although no tactics for carrying out the “airport attack” have been announced, local media expect roads near the airport to be blocked. The meeting also discussed the risk of possible financial penalties for such actions and the creation of a fund to cover them.

The next protest will be on May 27

The first of many planned anti-tourism protests will take place in Majorca later this month. Residents believe that too many foreigners threaten their territory, language and culture. Access to apartments is also a problem, made difficult by the large number of facilities intended for rent to tourists. “We want to live in our home, protect our lives and we do not want Mallorca to become a luxury resort,” says one of the residents, quoted by the British The Independent. It is the citizens of the United Kingdom who most often visit Spanish holiday resorts every year.

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