The bicycle caused the disaster. He was charging it in his apartment and suddenly a fire broke out

The bicycle caused the disaster.  He was charging it in his apartment and suddenly a fire broke out

A man was charging an electric bicycle in his apartment. Unfortunately, this had disastrous consequences because a fire suddenly broke out. There was almost nothing left of the apartment.

Using bicycles or electric scooters has its disadvantages. Many people have already experienced this, especially if they did not follow the recommended rules for using these vehicles. A dangerous situation occurred on Tuesday, May 21 in Germany. An apartment in Berlin's Fennpfuhl district burned down after a charging battery burst into flames.

Fire caused by an electric bike

Charging this electric bike didn't end well. It turned out that his battery was faulty and the vehicle's battery burst into flames. According to reports from the German news agency dpa and statements by the spokesman of the Berlin fire brigade, a total of 62 firefighters fought to save the situation after the apartment caught fire. Rescuers helped six people on site. Fortunately, no one was injured. According to Berliner Zeitung, the burned apartment is no longer habitable and the police have launched an investigation.

Electric bikes are becoming more and more popular today both in Poland and abroad. Regardless of the country in which we use them, we must remember that charging them in closed rooms may have tragic consequences. In this case, almost nothing could be saved. Fires most often occur in apartments, basements or tool sheds. It is in such spaces that bike users most often leave them for long periods of charging.

Charging electric bikes. The guard warns

This is not the first such fire caused by an electric bike battery. The fire brigade in Germany warns against charging such vehicles in apartments and houses. He means not only bicycles, but also scooters. It's worst when we do it at night and without supervision. The fire brigade spokesman also revealed that such actions caused by batteries catching fire are becoming more and more frequent.

Just a few weeks ago, the city of Wilhelmshaven prepared detailed guidelines for residents on the safe handling of e-bike batteries. The professional fire brigade also had its tips. Among other things, it was advised against: charging vehicles without supervision and it was recommended to do so on the balcony whenever possible. It was also noted that under no circumstances should the device be connected to a socket located on escape routes, e.g. in a stairwell. Do not attempt to extinguish a potential fire yourself.

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