The building that writes poems – the British pavilion at EXPO 2020

The building that writes poems – the British pavilion at EXPO 2020

Great Britain has chosen the design of the pavilion that will represent the country at the international exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai. The main point of the pavilion is a structure that, thanks to artificial intelligence, will write poems.

We recently wrote about the Austrian design of the pavilion at EXPO 2020 in Dubai. Today, Great Britain boasted about its idea.

British artist and designer Es Devlin designed the winning proposal for the pavilion that will represent the UK at EXPO 2020 Dubai. Poems written by artificial intelligence using words suggested by visitors will be displayed on the building’s facade. The building will be constructed in the shape of a 20-meter-high cone emerging from the ground. Its culmination will be a facade with displays showing the words of the poem.

The Poetry Pavilion – as the structure was named – will accept words in Arabic, Chinese, French and English. Thanks to this, the building is intended to give visitors a sense of unity and belonging to a community, regardless of cultural differences. Guests of the pavilion will enter it through an exhibition built using Augmented Reality. The entrance was designed to resemble a maze. This is to prevent the formation of visible queues that always accompany pavilions at EXPO exhibitions. The exhibition presented in the maze will showcase to visitors the charms and scientific achievements of the UK in the field of Artificial Intelligence and space.

For the first time in the history of EXPO exhibitions, a woman was chosen as the designer of the pavilion representing Great Britain. During the exhibition, guests will be greeted in the pavilion by a team of mainly women experts in Artificial Intelligence and space. According to the designer, this is to show the huge problem of low involvement of women in scientific environments.

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