The devastated fence of Kidawa-Błońska’s house. The perpetrators painted a swastika

The devastated fence of Kidawa-Błońska's house.  The perpetrators painted a swastika

Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska posted a photo of the fence of her house on which someone had painted a swastika. “It will be more difficult to free us from hate,” she wrote.

“The fence of my house was vandalized, but that’s not what worries me. They are easy to repaint. It will be much more difficult to free us from hate, lies and hate, but we will work on it persistently,” the Speaker of the Senate wrote on Wednesday evening on the X website.

Someone spray-painted a swastika on the fence in front of the politician’s house.

“Very sorry. The hateful language of PiS people and the media appropriated by them is unfortunately taking its toll. The perpetrator of this vandalism cannot go unpunished!” – KO MP Michał Szczerba replied under the entry.

Protection of the PO leader and threats against politicians

In recent months, PO politicians have reported threats of varying intensity, which they received, among others: by email. In January, MP Kinga Gajewska told “Fakt” that she received e-mails with threats regarding her children, but the perpetrators were not identified. After receiving further messages, she filed a police report.

“‘Your children will be drastically raped with a drill'” – these are the threats I receive. I am just reporting a possible crime to the Metropolitan Police. I hope that this time the Police will focus on ensuring safety, not creating a threat,” the MP wrote in September.

In January this year, “Newsweek” reported that Donald Tusk was placed under the protection of the State Protection Service. This decision was issued by the Minister of Interior and Administration, Mariusz Kamiński

The former prime minister revealed that “in December he received information from the police that the threat of an attack was real and concrete as never before.” “Every week in letters and social media I find threats against my loved ones, death sentences and announcements of an attack on me,” said the PO leader.

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