The driver first tried to escape, then lied. Instead of garbage, he carried cigarettes

The driver first tried to escape, then lied.  Instead of garbage, he carried cigarettes

Almost 260 thousand pieces of cigarettes without Polish excise tax stamps were seized by police officers from Suwałki together with officers of the National Tax Administration.

On Friday morning, the attention of police officers from the Suwałki traffic police patrolling provincial road number 662 was caught by a Mitsubishi whose driver, upon seeing the police car, suddenly braked and changed direction. The officers decided to check what was the reason for such behavior. They stopped the vehicle for inspection.

260 thousand cigarettes

The driver was sober, but the police decided to check the mandatory equipment of the vehicle. They asked what was in the three packages wrapped in black foil. They did not believe that – as declared – it was garbage. They asked the driver to cut the foil and it turned out that they were right: there were cigarettes inside, and not for their own use.

In total, the uniformed officers secured nearly PLN 260,000. pcs of illegal cigarettes. Introducing a secured product to the market would expose the State Treasury to a loss of almost PLN 350,000. PLN for unpaid taxes. The owner of the contraband will soon be charged, and his fate will be decided by the court.

Police officers dealing with economic crime, together with KAS officers from Suwałki, who were informed about the situation, found more cigarettes without Polish excise tax stamps during a search of the building used by the resident of Suwałki.

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