The former footballer lost all hope. He indicated who must return to the national team

The former footballer lost all hope.  He indicated who must return to the national team

Jacek Bąk is disappointed with what the White and Reds showed in the match against Moldova. The former football player lost hope for direct promotion and pointed out who – apart from Robert Lewandowski – must return to the national team.

Polish players only drew with Moldova, which made it difficult for them to advance to the European Championships. It is true that we can still directly qualify for Euro 2024, but we have to watch the results of the matches between Moldova, Albania and the Czech Republic.

The former captain of the national team lost faith in the Polish national team

Poland’s failure with Moldova was commented on by Jacek Bąk for WP SportoweFakty, who lost all his optimism. According to the former captain of the national team, Michał Probierz’s players only have the play-offs left. – We don’t run much, we don’t fight much, there is no pressing at all… and we still play with three at the back. To put it mildly, it looked bad, he said.

According to the former player, the White and Reds cannot play with three defenders, as shown by Sunday’s match against Moldova. – Most of the balls played by the Moldovans were some kind of threat. You can’t play football like that these days. I try to look for positives, but I can’t find any, he continued.

Jacek Bąk: He will return to the national team

Jacek Bąk said that it is still too early for Patryk Peda to play in the adult national team. Let us remind you that the defender usually plays for Spal, a club from Serie C. – He is not yet a national team player. He is not a player who can play in the center of defense and lead the defense, he said.

According to the expert This turn of events may have a positive impact on the absent Jan Bednarek, who was not in the squad for this year’s training camp. – Jan Bednarek will definitely return to the national team. He has a weaker period, but he also showed his better side. He cannot be written off – he emphasized and added that Robert Lewandowski’s absence was visible.

– He would definitely score something here. Let Lewandowski play until he is fifty. It cannot be written off. His mere presence on the pitch gives a lot to this team – he concluded.

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