The future of CPK will be decided this week. Will there be a new name?

The future of CPK will be decided this week.  Will there be a new name?

As announced, this week the government will present the concept of a new airport and transport system in the country. The findings of “Rzeczpospolita” indicate that the project will not operate under the name CPK.

According to information from “Rzeczpospolita”, this week the government will present the concept of a new airport and transport system in the country. This was announced at the beginning of June by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, when asked about the future of the CPK project. – Regarding the CPK, a full presentation of the future – not the abbreviation CPK – but of railway and airport projects will be presented in June – said the head of government.

Will CPK become history?

What will the government announce? The newspaper points out that the direction of changes was announced a few weeks ago by the government’s plenipotentiary for CPK, Maciej Lasek. In an interview with “Rzeczpospolita”, he assessed that the “hub and spokes” concept around the CPK – i.e. the shape of the railway component – is inappropriate. The biggest changes are to concern the railway component. The government is to focus only on the so-called Y line (connecting Warsaw, Łódź, Poznań and Wrocław) and its construction, as well as some “optimization” regarding the airport design itself. The entire project is also to be renamed.

The announcement of the concept of Poland’s new transport system will certainly trigger a heated political discussion. This Friday, the “Yes for CPK” association is planning the first event during a campaign to collect signatures for a citizens’ bill obliging public authorities to build the CPK airport and a railway system around the airport. The event will take place in Giżycko in Masuria.

A SW Research survey for “Wprost” presented at the beginning of May shows that more than half of Poles want the current government to continue the CPK construction project. To the question “Do you think the CPK construction project should be continued?”, 53 percent answered affirmatively. 23% of respondents had the opposite opinion, and 24% had no opinion on this matter.

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