The golden one dived. The Polish currency continues to react nervously to the Monetary Policy Council’s decision

The golden one dived.  The Polish currency continues to react nervously to the Monetary Policy Council's decision

Another large drop in the value of the Polish currency. The zloty has been losing since the morning compared to the dollar and euro. The market continues to react to the decisions of the Monetary Policy Council.

After another increase in the main indices of the American stock market on Monday (S&P 500 +0.67%, DJIA +0.25%, Nasdaq 100 +1.19%), today there was no dominant trend on the stock exchanges of Asia and Oceania (Japanese Nikkei 225 +0.95 percent, Australian All Ordinaries +0.2 percent). Quotations on stock markets in Europe started with slight declines (DAX -0.33%, CAC 40 -0.11%).

Stock Exchange with declines

On the WSE approx. 10:15 WIG-20 increased by 0.31%. Among the components of sWIG 80 by over 12%. Shares of Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich Kogeneracja, which announced its results for the first half of this year, rose this morning. (net profit PLN 227.46 million). The share price of Echo Investment reached its historic record today, while the share price of Captor Therapeutocs was at its lowest level in over a year.

Reacting to the latest statements of the representative of the central bank of Japan, the yield on 10-year government bonds of this country increased to the highest level since January 2014 (0.698%). The yield on the US government’s 10-year bonds remained close to its more than 2-week highs (4.286%). The yield on 10-year treasury bonds of the Polish government fell yesterday to the lowest level in over 3 weeks, and this morning it corrected this move (5.552%).

The EUR/USD rate fell this morning (-0.33% around 9:50 a.m.) and is approaching last week’s more than 3-month low. The US dollar also slightly strengthened against the Japanese yen (USD/JPY +0.18%).

The zloty dived again

The Polish zloty continued to weaken after last week’s surprisingly strong reduction of the Monetary Policy Council rates (from 6.75% to 6%). The EUR/PLN exchange rate (+0.98% around 9:55) was the highest since May this year, the USD/PLN exchange rate (+1.32% was the highest since April this year).

Bitcoin’s price against the US dollar, which yesterday fell to the lowest level in 3 months (but remained above the key support level set around USD 25,000 by its local maximum from August last year and February this year and the low from June this year .), he was batting today around 10:00 up by 2.69 percent

Raw material prices remain unchanged

Oil futures prices remained this morning near their highest levels since November last year, achieved last week. levels (WTI +0.21%, Brent +0.09% around 9:40). The price of natural gas contracts on NYMEX is still trying to break away from its lows from the past 3 months (+0.84% ​​around 9:40 am).

Metals fell slightly this morning (gold -0.27%, silver -0.38%, platinum -0.01%, palladium -0.24%, copper -0.53%). The price of wheat contracts on CBOT this morning was attacking its 2.5-year low reached at the end of May this year. Soybean and sugar futures also fell this morning. Cotton futures prices rose slightly this morning.

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