The head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection resigned. Piotr Woźny leaves

The head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection resigned.  Piotr Woźny leaves

We have learned unofficially from government sources that the head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection has resigned. Piotr Woźny has been the head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection since August 30, 2019. We are waiting for the official position of the press office.

The head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection is leaving

According to our sources, Piotr Woźny resigned. He has been the head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection since August 30, 2019. Previously, he was the Prime Minister’s plenipotentiary for the program “Clean Air”.

Piotr Woźny was appointed head of the National Fund for Environmental Protection by the then Minister of the Environment, Henryk Kowalczyk. In November 2015, Woźny became deputy minister of digitization and held this position until the end of March 2017. In the local ministry, he was responsible for the telecommunications department, supervising the Digital Poland Project Center. After leaving the Ministry of Digitization, he served as an advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in the Ministry of Development. From January 2018, he was Deputy Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology.

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