The iconic outhouse near Rysy will be replaced. It will be much more modern

The iconic outhouse near Rysy will be replaced.  It will be much more modern

The colorful latrine, which has been one of the tourist attractions of the High Tatras for years, will soon be forgotten. A competition for the design of new toilets has started.

The outhouse next to Schronisko pod Rysami, the highest shelter in the Tatra Mountains (2,250 meters above sea level), was not just an ordinary toilet. This place has been delighting travelers for years, who, while taking care of their needs, did not fail to take photos against the background of the famous attraction. When Sławojka was destroyed by the wind last fall, lovers of the original monument held their breath. Although the outhouse was eventually rebuilt, it may soon disappear for a completely different reason. The Slovak tourist club announced a competition for the contractor of new, ecological toilets.

A new toilet next to the pod Rysami shelter

The wooden, colorful toilet, a must-see on the way to the highest peak in Poland, is to be replaced by a newer facility. “We will organize an architectural competition and create documentation for the toilet design. We will then forward this proposal to national park authorities so that they can implement toilets in their areas,” we read on the official Facebook profile of Hikemates. Their initiative also includes the iconic Sławojka near the Rysami Shelter. “We believe that this year's largest project will bring positive changes in environmental protection and improve the comfort of all visitors to national parks,” the organizers add.

Modern and ecological toilet

The reason for the planned changes is primarily environmental protection. Due to the rather makeshift nature of the current outhouse near Rysy, tourists often relieve themselves right next to the trail. Many similar places around the world have a similar problem with feces and other waste, including: Mount Everest with “tons of human feces” on it. The new toilets will not only have fully lockable doors, thanks to which tourists will be able to feel completely intimate. They are supposed to look much more modern and, thanks to the implemented ecological solutions, solve the problem of residual feces.

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