The journalist revealed how Judge Szmydt escaped to Belarus. “He took the documents on holiday”

The journalist revealed how Judge Szmydt escaped to Belarus.  "He took the documents on holiday"

Judge Tomasz Szmydt aroused a lot of emotions and caused quite a surprise with his sudden appearance in Belarus. In the “Super Express” program, Zbigniew Parafianowicz from “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” presented a handful of new details about this event.

According to Parafianowicz's information, Judge Szmydt took previously prepared documents to Belarus, which he now uses, showing them, among others, on Telegram. We are talking, for example, about judicial nomination and ID card.

How did Judge Szmydt escape to Belarus?

As the journalist explained, everything looked like a planned trip. Under the pretense of a holiday in Turkey, the alleged traitor was supposed to get to Belarus through this country. – He took a vacation and took advantage of the fact that he could go on holiday during the May weekend – said Parafianowicz.

– He took this nomination from 2012, which has the signature of Bronisław Komorowski, for all those people who claim that he is only a PiS man. All these elements fit into a logical puzzle and indicate that it has been conducted for a long time – noted Parafianowicz.

The “DGP” journalist added that Szmydt was most likely not recruited in Poland. — Such things are not done in the countries where these people come from. It's too risky. Belarusians and Russians are subject to a very strong counterintelligence regime in countries such as Poland, explained the Eastern Europe expert.

He explained that “people like Szmydt” go on vacation to countries such as Thailand or Türkiye. It was there that someone could approach a judge, offer him a significant sum of money and involve him in cooperation with the intelligence of a foreign country.

Who is Judge Szmydt?

Judge of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw, Tomasz Szmydt, asked the Belarusian authorities for asylum. On the same day, at a press conference in Minsk, he also read a declaration of resignation from his position. – Yes, I am asking for political refugee status – he said in an interview with the Russian TASS agency.

The domestic media immediately recalled that Szmydt was the hero of the “hater scandal” during the PiS government. He is the ex-husband of the most famous Polish hater, known under the nickname “Mała Emi”. In the “Caste” group created on WhatsApp, he allegedly wrote to the former first president of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf: “I advise you to pack up, say goodbye and f**k off!!!”

In 2018, Szmydt became director of the legal department in the office of the National Council of the Judiciary reformed by PiS. After Onet described the hate scandal, the president of the Supreme Administrative Court withdrew the judge's delegation to the National Council of the Judiciary.

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