The leader of PlusLiga was beaten to zero. Mysterious injury of the Polish representative

The leader of PlusLiga was beaten to zero.  Mysterious injury of the Polish representative

This is certainly not how the Warsaw Project volleyball players imagined the beginning of the year. The team that finished 2023 in the leading position suffered its first defeat in the new twelve months on the second day of January. The Warsaw team lost 0-3 to Indykpol AZS Olsztyn, and an important player suffered an injury.

Before the match, Adrian Brzozowski, a journalist from Polsat Sport, announced on social media that coach Piotr Graban would not be able to use the services of Jan Firlej. The Warsaw Project playmaker, who also played for the Polish national team, complains of a heel injury that prevents him from playing on the pitch.

Projekt Warszawa lost the match without the injured Jan Firlej

The burden of responsibility for playing the game fell on Maciej Stępień. It must be admitted, however, that the Project quarterback should not be considered the culprit of the Warsaw team’s defeat. Indykpol AZS really wanted to win in the recently completed Urania hall, after two defeats in a row, and in addition, the guests had to play too much in the so-called high ball. In the reception element, Projekt has already played many better matches this season.

Alan Souza was chosen MVP of the match. The Brazilian attacker finished the match with 20 points. On the other side of the net, Bartłomiej Bołądź, not the first time the leader of the Warsaw offensive, achieved the same result.

What about Firlej’s injury? More information about the injured heel will be known in the next several hours, after thorough examination.

– I hope it’s a minor injury. Tomorrow we will know more, after the tests we will be wiser (…) I tried to support the guys from the bench as best I could. I experienced the match more than being on the pitch, said the quarterback.

Enea Czarni Radom’s first victory in 752 days

The residents of Olsztyn were not the only ones who broke through the complex of the “new” facility on Tuesday. The volleyball players of Enea Czarni Radom won after over two years (!). The team led by coach Waldo Kantor defeated Barkom Kazany Lviv 3-1.

Returning to the Project, the defeat in Olsztyn was the second in the season for the Warsaw team. After thirteen matches, Jastrzębski Węgiel and Asseco Resovia Rzeszów, the gold and bronze medalists from last season, have the same number of matches.

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