The Ministry of National Education announces a major education reform. The current changes are only “cosmetic”

The Ministry of National Education announces a major education reform.  The current changes are only "cosmetic"

Katarzyna Lubnauer announced that limiting the number of readings and requirements is only the beginning of changes in schools. The real reform will be carried out in 2026, announced the deputy head of the Ministry of National Education.

The Ministry of National Education is working to limit the number of school readings and reduce the requirements to which teachers and students submit. Barbara Nowacka has also announced the introduction of a new subject to the curriculum.

Lubnauer on “cosmetic” changes in schools

The deputy head of the ministry, Katarzyna Lubnauer, admitted that the announced changes are only the beginning of transformations in the Polish education system. – What we are currently doing is cosmetics – she said in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita”. The MP from Nowoczesna explained that this is because they cannot immediately influence the principles that were adopted during the times of Anna Zalewska.

– They were based on the idea that students should be forced to read specific books and acquire historical and literary knowledge. It didn't encourage reading, she noticed. She assured that the new authorities would introduce changes, but they would need more time. – What we can do now is to reduce the number of readings, reduce the number of requirements – she added.

MEN: Real reform in 2026

Lubnauer said that relieving students and teachers would give them space to work. – Now we want to make the core curriculum bearable – she admitted, emphasizing that for now they are not able to “change the entire teaching philosophy.” However, she revealed that this may change soon. – The real reform will take place in 2026 – announced the deputy minister.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of National Education argued for the advisability of introducing minor changes. – Now it is simply cosmetic, but it is necessary because our predecessors, through the education reform and closing of junior high schools, caused a terrible overload of students with the core curriculum – Nowacka explained on TVP Info.

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