The number of 40-year-old impotent people is increasing. The reason for the lack of erection can be detected by a simple test

The number of 40-year-old impotent people is increasing.  The reason for the lack of erection can be detected by a simple test

More and more young men complain about erectile dysfunction. Few seek help from specialists. Most people suffer in loneliness, the causes of which include, among others: in overwork or fast pace of life. Meanwhile, according to scientists, a common reason for the lack of an erection may be a certain disease or condition that leads to it.

Erection problems may result from, among others: from hormonal or psychogenic disorders (e.g. depression), diseases of the circulatory system or neuropathy, i.e. a condition in which nerves are damaged. Diabetics often complain about erection problems – developed diabetes is also one of the possible causes of impotence. It turns out, however, that the disease does not have to be advanced for a patient to experience erectile dysfunction.

Erection problems in 40-year-olds. What do they result from?

Researchers from Saint Louis University School of Medicine have found a strong link between erectile dysfunction in men under 40 and undiagnosed prediabetes. It turns out that premature impotence may be a warning sign that type 2 diabetes has already begun to develop.

This is an important tip, especially since up to 5 million Poles may struggle with prediabetes without even knowing it. It is easy to miss because it has no specific symptoms. Usually, only after diagnosis, it turns out that the body has sent warning signals in the form of drowsiness, excessive fatigue and lack of concentration (mainly after eating a meal), deterioration of vision, frequent infections, increased appetite and constant feeling of thirst.

The study results were published in “Preventive Medicine”. Perhaps thanks to them, more young men will begin to be diagnosed with diabetes. Being aware of the disease, the patient has a chance to prevent the development of diabetes and its possible complications thanks to an appropriate diet and the introduction of physical activity into his life (and sometimes also pharmacotherapy). Dr. Jane Tucker, associate professor of family and community medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, shares the same opinion.

How to recognize prediabetes?

Prediabetes can be diagnosed easily. To do this, marking is necessary blood glucose levels. Due to the fact that diabetes has become a disease of civilization, specialists appeal to perform routine blood tests once a year – this will allow us to check how our body copes with the processing of carbohydrates. According to current guidelines, prediabetes can be diagnosed if fasting blood test results indicate a glucose level in the range of 100-125 mg/dl, and two hours after loading, the glucose level remains in the range of 140-199 mg/dl. If these levels are higher, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed.

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