The Polish volleyball player conquers the Turkish league. He can stay there for longer

The Polish volleyball player conquers the Turkish league.  He can stay there for longer

Magdalena Stysiak spends her first season at Fenerbahce. The Pole is doing well, although she currently has a strong competitor in her position. Perhaps her club future has become clear.

Magdalena Stysiak is playing her first season in the Turkish league. After years of good play in Serie A, she joined Fenerbahce Istanbul, where she recently won her first title. Together with, among others, Stefano Lavarini (who also went to the Bosphorus before the season), she enjoyed the triumph in the Turkish Cup. In the final, she defeated the team of another representative of the country, Martyna Czyrniańska.

The Polish volleyball player will remain in Turkey

Stysiak had a great first part of the season, where she was the leading scorer of the national champion. Minutes on the court were reduced by the arrival of Melissa Vargas. The Cuban-born Turkish representative returned to Fenerbahce after the end of the season in China. This is not the first time the attacker has made such choices. Vargas is extremely popular in Istanbul. She was the main driving force behind Daniele Santarelli's team, which won all possible competitions last year, just like Nikola Grbic's men's team.

The fewer minutes could have been depressing for the Pole born in 2000, but she appreciates the fact that she can rest a little before the end of the season and the beginning of the struggles for the national team. When asked by TVP Sport about the club next season, she said that she would stay in Turkey, without pointing to a specific team.

More information was provided by TRTSpor journalist Enes Yalniz on social media. According to reports, Stysiak is to remain at Fenerbahce for the next season. Other media in Turkey also refer to this news, which may indicate that the attacking team will still wear the yellow and blue colors.

Magdalena Stysiak's volleyball career

Magdalena Stysiak has been playing outside Poland since 2019. First, she played for Savino del Bene Scandicci, and in 2021-2023 she played for Vero Volley Milano (formerly Monza). Together with the team, she won the bronze medal in the Nations League last year.

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