The popular city has had enough of drunk tourists. It decided to scare them away with advertising

The popular city has had enough of drunk tourists.  It decided to scare them away with advertising

Every year, crowds of young people come here in spring to party. This year, Floridians are saying no to nightlife enthusiasts.

Miami Beach, Florida, fills up every spring with students from other parts of the United States looking for cheap drinks and loud clubs. Young people come here for spring break – a spring break from school and academic activities. This is the time that American students like to spend partying, and the hot beaches of Florida are the best possible place to do so. This year, however, Miami residents say a firm no to partygoers. For this purpose, a special advertisement was created to scare away visitors. This is not the only city that has officially banned partygoers for safety reasons.

“Miami Breaks Spring Break” Advertisement

The unusual spot, intended to discourage tourists from coming, was published in early March on the City of Miami Beach TV channel on YouTube. On the screen we see young residents of Miami Beach who, turning directly to the camera, explain why they no longer want to tolerate loud parties. The whole form was presented quite humorously and resembles the ending of a relationship or a relationship – in this case between residents tired of having fun and “spring-breaks” hungry for entertainment. “Our way of spending free time is relaxing on the beach. You just want to get drunk in a public place and break the law,” say the characters in the ad.

A year ago, there was chaos during the spring break

The ad recalls what happened during last year's spring break. In March 2023, two people were shot and killed in Miami Beach. Drunk tourists started riots in the streets of the city and led to the imposition of a curfew, which many ignored. “Don't try to apologize and come back,” says one resident of an American city. This year, special measures will be taken to discourage partygoers from coming. During spring break, Miami Beach will have a curfew and limited access to city beaches. The parking fee has been increased and will be as much as $100. Armed policemen are tasked with searching all suspicious luggage and ruthlessly punishing people possessing drugs.

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