The Prime Minister appointed a new body. It will be headed by the Minister of Finance

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Prime Minister Donald Tusk appointed the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers. It is intended to be an important tool for coordinating the government’s economic policy. The committee will be headed by Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk appointed the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers. It is to be a key body in shaping the state’s economic policy. — This will be quite an important tool for coordinating the government’s economic policy — announces a government representative in an interview with Business Insider Polska.

The Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers was established. Minister of Finance at the helm

The head of government’s order in this regard appeared on Monday in Monitor Polski.

The tasks of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers – according to the website – include, among others: conducting analyzes of the national and international economic situation in order to determine optimal directions of actions of government administration bodies in the field of economic policy. It will also recommend specific actions to the government.

The committee is also to consider proposals for government initiatives regarding the economy, public finances, public property management, country development or in matters with expected significant financial consequences.

Composition of the committee

The committee will be headed by Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański. The vice-chairman will be the Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman, and the other members will be:

  • Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Digital Affairs or the Secretary of State or Undersecretary of State authorized by him

  • Minister of State Assets

  • Minister for European Union Affairs

  • Minister of Funds and Regional Policy

  • Minister of Infrastructure

  • Minister of Climate and Environment

  • Minister of Industry

  • Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy

  • Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

  • government representative for strategic energy infrastructure

  • secretary of state or undersecretary of state in the prime minister’s office

  • secretary of state or undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Finance designated by the minister of finance

This composition will be completed by the secretary of the committee with the rank of director.

The ordinance regarding the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers enters into force on the day following the date of announcement.

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