The sadist abandoned the dog in a closed washing machine. The animal shakes in front of people

The sadist abandoned the dog in a closed washing machine.  The animal shakes in front of people

In the forest near the town of Łęg in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, a walker came across a dog that was locked in an old washing machine. The find was reported to the police because the quadruped only accidentally escaped death.

A random woman saved a dog from death

The woman came across old household appliances with a small dog inside near Spokojna Street. She heard the animal whimper, and after uncovering a heavy metal plate, she managed to get it out of the trap. Ekostraży press spokeswoman Katarzyna Szakowska emphasized that whoever put the dog in the washing machine had to take into account its death.

“The woman took pictures and then released the animal. In her opinion, the dog could not get inside on its own. Our inspector confirmed that there was no such possibility. This is the result of a disgusting act of a man who, together with an unnecessary washing machine, got rid of an unnecessary dog. The dog also had no chance to get out of the washing machine on its own. He was doomed to die in the drum, she said.

Abandoned dog is terrified of people

The veterinarian estimated that the animal must have been confined for more than 24 hours. It was out, dehydrated, and the drum of broken equipment was full of its excrement. The quadruped is also very afraid of people, trembling in their presence or freezing motionless when a new person appears in his environment.

– It is basically a panic fear, which means that someone has most likely abused him for a long time, and therefore committed a crime. We would like this person to face the consequences, which is why we have set a reward of PLN 5,000 for help in finding the owner – said Szakowska.

The process of rescuing the dog has begun

The age of the rescued mongrel is estimated at a few years at the most. He is now placed in a facility where he is fed and hydrated. When he recovers, a dog behaviorist will take care of him.

– We have a specialist working with us in this area. Another solution may be an experienced temporary home that can cope with anxious or aggressive dogs. We hope that sooner or later the dog will be ready for adoption, an activist from Ekostraży told journalists.

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