The “shot” on the boule did its job. Aleksander Zniszczoł angry after an unlucky competition

The "shot" on the boule did its job.  Aleksander Zniszczoł angry after an unlucky competition

Aleksander Zniszczoł cannot count Saturday's World Cup competition in Oslo as a success. The jumper, who was in good shape, was angry after not advancing to the second series.

Polish jumpers cannot be satisfied with the beginning of the Raw Air series. After just two competitions, it can be said that they cannot expect too much. In Saturday's individual competition, which was the second stage of the series (after Friday's prologue), Piotr Żyła performed best.

Aleksander Zniszczoł did not hide his anger after the competition in Oslo

The popular “Wiewiór” finished the competition in 12th place, after advancing from 20th place. Apart from him, Kamil Stoch and Maciej Kot also scored points, who secured promotion to the second series with a throw on the tape. Saturday's competition was completely unsuccessful for the remaining Poles. Dawid Kubacki and Aleksander Zniszczoł could not even think about advancing after jumping barely above 110 meters.

The last one mentioned (41st place) was particularly bad after the competition. The leader of the Polish team has been destroying this for several weeks. The first Pole on the podium in the World Cup competition this season may have felt angry because he lost his chance to get further points in the general classification. The lack of a jump also means irreparable losses in the Raw Air cycle.

– I got shot on the boule and then I just fell like a stone. Getting minus 8 points. compared to the top teams, where they have about minus 20, this is a gap – said Zniszczoł. – “I didn't pay attention to it. He also kept me in Lahti (Thomas Thurnbichler – editor's note) and it was okay. I don't know what else to say. I'm angry, added the 30-year-old from Cieszyn.

Aleksander Zniszczoł is fighting in the World Cup

In the general classification of the World Cup, Aleskander Zniszczoł is in 22nd place, which is the highest place of a Polish representative. Two positions behind him is Piotr Żyła. Kamil Stoch and Dawid Kubacki are in 26th and 27th place, respectively. The leader is Austrian Stefan Kraft.

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