The Supreme Court sides with Swiss franc borrowers. “There were some concerns.”

The Supreme Court sides with Swiss franc borrowers.  “There were some concerns.”

The Supreme Court passed a resolution on Swiss franc loans. There was no surprise, the judges sided with the borrowers. “The Supreme Court confirmed what was in the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union,” said Arkadiusz Szcześniak, president of the Stop Bank Lawlessness association, in an interview for

On April 25, the Supreme Court decided on the so-called franc resolution, regulating certain issues regarding disputes over loan agreements indexed in Swiss francs. – We have been waiting for the resolution for three years, three years ago it would actually have made sense because it would have clarified certain issues. But then, thanks to the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Supreme Court only confirmed what was in these judgments, said Arkadiusz Szcześniak.

Resolution of the Supreme Court

On the one hand, Swiss franc borrowers breathed a sigh of relief, on the other hand, the jurisprudence on Swiss franc loans is already established and the resolution will not change much in the processes. However, this does not mean that it is completely unnecessary.

– Maybe the uncertainty will disappear a bit. The topic certainly came back to the media because some people forgot about it. We must also be aware that some people received incorrect judgments that were inconsistent with EU law, said Arkadiusz Szcześniak.

Challenging the settlement

The Swiss franc borrowers have been fighting a legal battle with banks for many years, but many cases are still unresolved, and some borrowers have not yet decided to go to court. There are also people who decided on unfavorable settlements with banks in the early phase of the conflict.

– A lot depends on when they signed these agreements. If it was a long time ago, unfortunately, they were usually on very unfavorable terms. But there is still a chance to question these older settlements, because the banks did not inform about the effects of such an arrangement. However, in recent months, banks have significantly improved their offers, so people who want to challenge the new settlements face a very difficult battle, said the president of the Stop Bank Lawlessness association.

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