The Tourist Dragon from Krakow is already damaged. They have just shown a new attraction

The Tourist Dragon from Krakow is already damaged.  They have just shown a new attraction

The new attraction in Krakow did not last very long. Instead of admiration for the figurine, we see regret over the act of vandalism. The Dragon Tourist has been devastated.

About 10 days ago, the installation of the first new figures from the so-called Dragon Trail in Krakow. Shortly after the attraction appeared in the city center, unknown people decided to destroy one of the objects. The Dragon Tourist suffered. The perpetrators remain unknown for now.

They damaged Krakow’s new attraction. The Dragon Tourist suffered

The Tourist Dragon figurine was one of many that formed the so-called Dragon Trail. The attraction, of course, refers to the traditions and legends associated with Krakow. It was intended to attract mainly families with children. Even though everything has been there for less than two weeks, there has already been damage and destruction. The perpetrator tore off the horn decorating the creature’s head and fled the scene. “Speechless. Someone was brave,” wrote people from Krakow under one of the Facebook posts.

The outraged Krakow city hall reported the matter. I don’t think anyone expected that anyone would be able to brutally destroy public property, especially since it was intended primarily to benefit young people. Fortunately, the Tourist Dragon’s broken horn was found. This will enable quick repairs.

Damaged Dragon Tourist. Everything will be back to normal

At this moment, it is not known who caused the incident. It is possible that there was an unfortunate accident and no one wanted to destroy the figurine on purpose. It will probably be difficult to find the person responsible for the damage caused. It should be noted that similar acts of vandalism occur quite often around the world. Quite recently, a tourist in Brussels damaged a monument that is part of the Stock Exchange because he decided to… climb.

We can only hope that after the Tourist’s Dragon is repaired, the new Dragon Trail will fully delight tourists again. The mentioned figurines measure from approx. 35 to 50 cm and are available in characteristic locations of Krakow’s districts. We will see them, among others: near Wawel, on the Father Bernatek footbridge, near Primary School No. 29, at the stairs at Bednarski Park, at Axentowicza Square or in Krakowski Park and Jordan Park.

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