The United Right says goodbye to power. “We need to create a Third Way in PiS”

The United Right says goodbye to power.  "We need to create a Third Way in PiS"

– In just a month, political appointees in state-owned companies and ministers will experience a shock because they will lose their limousines and secretaries. It is not known how many of them will later be loyal to PiS – a politician from the United Right tells “Wprost”.

The loss of power after two terms of the United Right government will hurt most not the PiS politicians who got into parliament, but those who were the beneficiaries of the party’s victory, i.e. political appointees in state-owned companies. The loss of privileges will also be painfully felt by current ministers.

I was visiting one of the important ministries. There is complete chaos there. Everyone in ministries and state treasury companies is thinking about themselves today, says our PiS interlocutor.

And he claims that this is only the beginning of sadness for the circles that owe their work to the current government.

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