There is a call for the return of Covid restrictions. What does the Ministry of Health say about this?

There is a call for the return of Covid restrictions.  What does the Ministry of Health say about this?

The Patient Europa Association appealed to the Minister of Health to introduce restrictions and sanitary rules in medical facilities and pharmacies. The spokesman for the Ministry of Health commented on this when informing about the establishment of a new team.

The coronavirus doesn’t let up. New infections and deaths caused by COVID-19 are constantly being reported. The Ministry of Health reported that yesterday (January 18, 2024) the daily number of COVID-19 infections was 763 cases. 11 people died (5 of them solely due to COVID-19, while 6 people also suffered from comorbidities). Moreover, in a recent conversation with “Wprost”, Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, a pediatrician and NRL expert on epidemic threats, said that there may be much more COVID-19 cases than official statistics indicate. The expert noted that “right now we may have 50,000, or maybe even 100,000.” infections per day. Due to the high number of coronavirus infections, there has been a call for the return of Covid restrictions.

An appeal for the return of Covid restrictions

The Patient Europa Association appealed to the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, to re-introduce restrictions and sanitary rules in hospitals, medical facilities and pharmacies. The authors also presented its main demands, which included actions aimed at promoting the use of FFP3 and FFP2 masks (in the form of information and educational campaigns), but also access to self-monitoring through testing by introducing high reimbursement for coronavirus tests and expanding them. about flu and RSV. “The number of infections, deaths, as well as the number of disease outbreaks in hospitals require immediate action,” noted the authors of the appeal.

The co-author of the appeal is Zofia Sobczak from the Patient Europa Association. During the briefing held on Thursday (January 18, 2024), she emphasized that there is an ongoing wave of COVID-19 cases, and experts warn that there are much more infections compared to the number that is officially reported. “This problem also applies to many other infectious diseases. Many infections occur in places that should be the safest in this respect – in hospitals and medical facilities,” noted Zofia Sobczak.

Will Covid restrictions return? Position of the Ministry of Health

In connection with the appeal to restore Covid restrictions, the spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Damian Karaś, announced that the Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, had established a team for infectious diseases. It is composed of high-class specialists, its task is to “monitor all threats and provide advice on the prevention and diagnosis of COVID-19.”

According to the Ministry of Health, the team for monitoring and assessing the situation of threats related to infectious diseases was established by Minister Izabela Leszczyna in January this year. Its chairman is the president of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Infectious Disease Physicians, prof. Ph.D. Robert Flisiak, infectious disease specialist.

The Ministry of Health encourages vaccination against coronavirus

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health also emphasized that it is worth taking advantage of the COVID-19 vaccination, which protects against dangerous complications. “It is worth signing up because there are 265,000 doses at vaccination points, and another 50,000 are delivered to primary health care facilities, pharmacies and social welfare homes. There are also a lot of available dates – 97,000, or almost 100,000,” he said. “Vaccination is the best form of COIVD-19 prevention. It is worth getting vaccinated. If we are healthy and feel well, this is a good time to get vaccinated,” added the Ministry of Health spokesman. Check how to sign up for vaccination against coronavirus.

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