These behaviors increase your risk of cancer. Check if you do this too

These behaviors increase your risk of cancer.  Check if you do this too

Many of our everyday behaviors contribute to the occurrence of cancer. Although very often we do not realize it. The European Code Against Cancer includes several habits that increase the risk of cancer. Find out what causes cancer.

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. More than 8 million people die from cancer every year. National statistics are also not optimistic. The number of oncology patients in Poland already amounts to almost 2 million. It is estimated that their number will continue to grow. Unfortunately, very often we ourselves contribute to the development of cancer.

These behaviors are the causes that lead to the development of cancer

Cancer occurs as a result of changes in DNA. The reasons for the appearance of mutations are very different. One of the most important factors contributing to their occurrence is lifestyle. Our daily habits significantly increase the risk of disease. You should avoid behaviors such as:

  • Smoking tobacco – addiction is one of the main causes of cancer. It is responsible for 82% of all lung cancer cases. It also increases the risk of cancer of the throat, larynx, oral cavity, pancreas, bladder, liver, kidney, cervix, and bone marrow. If you want to quit the addiction, use medications. Tobacco dependence syndrome is included on the international list of diseases. There are substances that can effectively reduce the severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms and reduce the desire to reach for another cigarette. Cytisine, for example, has this effect.
  • Staying in smoky rooms – passive smoking, i.e. inhaling tobacco smoke, is as harmful as tobacco addiction. Moreover, addictive smoking at home may be considered a type of violence involving the risk of loss of health and, in some cases, also life. Therefore, create a smoke-free space in your home.
  • Failure to follow a balanced diet – eating highly processed snacks and fast food often contributes to overweight and obesity. Excessive body weight disrupts the hormonal balance in the body. Additional “portions” of hormones are released from fat cells, which promotes the development of cancer. It also often speeds up the entire process. Therefore, limit your consumption of sweets and red meat (beef, lamb, etc.). Pay attention to portion size. Eat regularly, but not in small amounts. Don’t make yourself feel very hungry. Don’t overeat. Introduce more vegetables and whole grain products into your diet.
  • Sitting for many hours – lack of physical activity increases the risk of obesity. Exercises can significantly reduce them. Use various forms of movement adapted to your abilities. Try to spend 60 minutes a day doing moderate intensity physical activity. The minimum is half an hour during the day. Research has proven that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of colon, breast and uterine cancer. Exercise reduces the risk of these diseases by over 20 percent.
  • Drinking alcohol – it is considered a carcinogen. Each type increases the risk of cancer, especially cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx, liver, colon and breast. It is worth emphasizing that there is no safe dose of alcohol.
  • Using the solarium – excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of skin cancer, including the most aggressive form of this cancer, i.e. melanoma. The group of people most at risk of developing the disease includes people with fair skin.
  • Ignoring occupational health and safety rules – this especially applies to people who work in an environment where harmful substances, for example chemical compounds, are present. Also check whether you are exposed to radon. It is a noble gas found in the Earth’s crust. It can get inside buildings and homes, increasing the risk of lung cancer. What can you do to check radon concentration and protect yourself against it? It is worth investing in special sensors. It is also a good idea to purchase air ventilation systems.

Choose cancer prevention

Please remember that regular health checks can detect cancer at an early stage of development, thus increasing the chances of full recovery. In Poland, as experts point out, many types of cancer are still detected too late. Do not wait to see a doctor for disturbing symptoms. Even subtle and inconspicuous changes at first glance may indicate the development of the disease.

Currently, in our country, patients can benefit from free tests to detect breast, colon, lung and cervical cancer at an early stage. Here is their list:

  • breast cancer prevention program,

  • a program for the prevention of tobacco-related diseases (including lung cancer),

  • cervical cancer prevention program,

  • colorectal cancer prevention program.

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