They earn the most in Poland. Contrary to appearances, it is not about IT specialists

They earn the most in Poland.  Contrary to appearances, it is not about IT specialists

Representatives of the IT industry do not receive the highest salaries in the country. Sectors related to the state sector are still at the forefront of remuneration. Special bonus systems, allowances and solutions unknown in other industries are of decisive importance.

“Are you tired of working for the minimum wage, with no bonuses? Work in an industry that is not threatened by the crisis. Become an energy and gas advisor” – this is one of numerous job offers that can be found on industry portals. The company encourages candidates by offering them high salaries of up to PLN 30,000. zloty.

Poles’ earnings. More and more offers with high salaries

Most people who click on the ad admit that they were tempted by the salary offered. Similar offers can be found in many other industries, where earnings range from PLN 20,000 to PLN 30,000. PLN gross have become the standard expected by many specialists. Most often, such amounts are offered by employers in the IT sector.

According to labor market experts, high salaries in many industries are the result of fierce competition among companies for employees. “There are a lot of vacancies almost everywhere” – they say in unison. Therefore, in order to attract as many people as possible to recruitment interviews, employers bid not only on attractive salaries, but also offer numerous employee benefits and the ability to choose the type of contract.

Advertisements formulated in this way are very popular among candidates. They are applied both by those who want to change employers and by employees from competing companies who expect a raise.

Salaries. Employees compare their salaries

The topic of salary is often discussed on social media. Internet users most often want to know whether they earn less in their positions than people performing the same work in other companies. Online, they can not only compare earnings, but also receive offers from competing companies.

For many people, it is one of the most important issues to continue or change their job to a better-paid one. Recruiters have a similar opinion. The research shows that for more than half of employees, the amount of salary is the first and most important factor that affects job satisfaction.

They pay the most in this industry. Mining is a clear leader

Many people are surprised to read about earnings in sectors that, at first glance, are not considered financial giants. However, it turns out that earnings in various positions, especially in large cities, differ significantly from the national average in a given industry. Only a few can accurately select the best industries in terms of average gross remuneration in the enterprise sector.

“Which sectors pay the most?” – Internet users ask. Most often, they focus on the IT industry, which is only in third place. The leader in the enterprise sector is mining and the extractive industry, where the average salary is PLN 14,933.27 gross.

The second place was taken by the sector, which includes agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing. Employees in this industry boast an average gross salary of PLN 12,652.71. This is according to data from the Central Statistical Office for July 2023. On average, employees in the IT (Information and Communication) sector earn slightly less, PLN 12,317.19 gross.

The salary is unequal. They pay more in Warsaw than in other cities

As Mateusz Żydek, spokesman for the Randstad recruitment agency, argues, the level of remuneration in the mining industry is influenced primarily by a special bonus system, allowances and the presence of solutions rather unknown in other sectors, such as thirteenth or fourteenth-year salaries. In his opinion, the list of average salaries does not reflect the stratification between earnings in different positions and in different regions of the country. – This is particularly visible in the IT industry – says the expert in an interview with

Randstad’s analyzes show that, for example, in Warsaw, a Python developer or a PHP developer can sometimes even count on twice the average salary given by the Central Statistical Office for the IT sector.

The earnings of specialists employed in the same positions in Bydgoszcz, Szczecin or Rzeszów are completely different. In these cities, developers can already receive an offer closer to the calculated industry average – he says. – Similar mechanisms appear in other sectors, which means that these wage measures significantly overestimate larger urban centers, where more specialists are also employed for higher salaries – he adds.

TOP salaries according to the Central Statistical Office *

  • 1. Mining and extractive industry – PLN 14,933.27

  • 2. Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing – PLN 12,652.71

  • 3. IT sector (Information and communication) – PLN 12,317.19

  • 4. Energy sector (Production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and hot water) – PLN 10,888.77

  • 5. Professional, scientific and technical activities – PLN 10,127.58

  • 6. Real estate market services – PLN 7,396.66

  • 7. Transport and storage – PLN 7,201.79

  • 8. Industrial processing – PLN 6,996.49

  • 9. Construction – PLN 6,975.66

  • 10. Trade and repair of motor vehicles – PLN 6,807.70

* (average gross salary in the enterprise sector in July 2023)

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