They will get on a plane and fly into the unknown. The airline sold mysterious tickets to tourists

They will get on a plane and fly into the unknown.  The airline sold mysterious tickets to tourists

Can you imagine getting on a plane without knowing where you will go? The well-known airline decided that such an option would be a great idea. Those interested in the journey will set off in April.

Travel enthusiasts have many different preferences. One of these is a trip to the unknown without knowing the destination. This type of attraction is now provided to passengers by the Swedish SAS Airlines. She has prepared a surprise as part of a new offer called “Destination Unknown”, which can be translated, among others, as “Destination unknown”. It turns out that there are a lot of people willing to take this option.

A journey into the unknown. This is an offer from SAS Airlines

The decision to organize a trip into the unknown is quite brave and unusual. Passengers will not know where they will reach and will find out at an unexpected moment on the way. The crew will reveal this information after a few hours of flight. You will have to listen for special announcements so that the fact does not escape their attention.

The first plane traveling under the “Destination Unknown” offer will take off from Copenhagen on April 5. Passengers will stay at their destination for less than 4 days and will return to Denmark on April 8. Tickets for such an attraction had already been sold, and only members of the EuroBonus loyalty program could use them. Before departure, tourists only need to know a few details about how to pack.

“I am excited about this innovative concept and I am sure that many travelers feel the same way,” SAS Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer Paul Verhagen revealed in a press statement. “The prospect of going on an adventurous and mysterious journey with other enthusiasts is also an opportunity to discover new acquaintances and friendships,” he added

Tourists interested in mysterious flights

Although it may seem that surprises during a plane flight are not desirable, many people have proven that they expect them. We have often heard stories in which passengers landed several thousand kilometers further than planned – sometimes due to a mistake, and sometimes due to a failure. Now, however, tourists are asking for this to happen.

There were as many as a thousand people willing to travel with SAS Airlines. Everyone managed to report within 24 hours. In addition to those registered, there is also a long waiting list in case someone cancels at the last minute. To take advantage of the offer, you had to pay back PLN 30,000. points from a loyalty card, which can be the equivalent of a ticket even from Europe to North America.

Similar ideas have already been implemented by other lines, including: Lufthansa or Wizz Air. A Hungarian carrier once announced a competition in which you could take part in a “mysterious flight” from Venice. The passengers were then taken to Abu Dhabi for the weekend.

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