This has never happened before. The Sejm proceedings will be shown in the cinema

This has never happened before.  The Sejm proceedings will be shown in the cinema

The broadcast of the Sejm proceedings has gained unprecedented popularity this term. One of Warsaw’s cinemas decided to try an unusual idea and intends to show Polish MPs on the big screen.

Kinoteka in Warsaw will show the Sejm proceedings in one of its rooms on Monday. Taking advantage of the growing popularity of these broadcasts, it will attempt to display them on a much larger screen. Thus, the joke/wish of Michał Marszał from the weekly “Nie” will come true, who recently wrote that “He would watch it at the cinema.”

Sejm proceedings in the cinema

– We agreed quite spontaneously – admitted Karolina Fornal from Kinoteka’s marketing and distribution department. – We have the best intentions. In this way, we want to implement the right of citizens to information, we want to popularize knowledge about the functioning of the most important state institutions, and we want to cultivate very civic behavior. We do not hide the fact that a unifying element is also important to us: the fact that people will watch the proceedings of a government body so important for their everyday lives together, she emphasized.

– For a good start, we are planning a one-off show in one room – Fornal said in an interview with Wirtualna Polska. – But it seems that the interest is so great that we will open more rooms. I also admit that if this plan works, we may organize viewing of the Sejm proceedings on a cyclical basis – she added. The first such screening will take place on Monday, December 11. The Sejm proceedings will be shown from the morning.

Swearing in of the new government

Viewers who will watch the Sejm broadcast in the cinema can expect interesting debates during the first screening. The two-week period of Mateusz Morawiecki’s second government ends on Monday.

Law and Justice won 194 seats in the elections, and the independent parliamentary majority is at least 231 seats. To form a government, PiS needs a coalition partner.

In recent days, Morawiecki has sent invitations to the leaders of the Confederation, the Polish People’s Party, Poland 2050 and the Left to start talks on forming a coalition. However, the mentioned politicians declared that they would not join the talks.

The new government will most likely be formed by an alliance of the Civic Coalition, PSL, PL 2050 and the Left, which won a total of 248 seats in the new Sejm. Donald Tusk is to head this government.

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