This is how Błaszczak described the 100 days of Tusk's rule. “Hakuna matata”

This is how Błaszczak described the 100 days of Tusk's rule.  "Hakuna matata"

The chairman of the PiS Club described the actions of Donald Tusk's government in an unusual way. – There was a lot of banging, now it's “hakuna matata” – said Mariusz Błaszczak.

Law and Justice politicians organized a press conference in the Sejm, during which they argued that “the credibility of Donald Tusk's government has reached rock bottom” because it has not implemented 100 specifics that it promised in the campaign before the parliamentary elections.

– There is a saying that laziness is a time of waiting before getting tired. I think this description fits Tusk's government. During the first government we had a lot of bullshit that took up most of his time. Now I think that another motto from “The Lion King” is even more fitting – “hakuna matata”, which means it will happen somehow, we have time, we will see what will happen – said Mariusz Błaszczak.

“We selected eight issues that we turned into draft laws.”

The chairman of the Law and Justice Parliamentary Club pointed out that Poland has no time to lose. – This week marks 100 days of the December 13 coalition government (as United Right politicians call the winning coalition – ed.). – We selected eight issues that we turned into draft bills. We hope that they will be on the agenda of this session of the Sejm, he explained.

Mariusz Błaszczak explained that the first case was a tax-free amount of PLN 60,000; the second is voluntary ZUS, and not – as he said – some kind of holiday. – Another issue is a flat-rate health insurance contribution, another issue is cash VAT, another issue is related to local government elections, the idea is to reduce concrete disease in cities – he said.

This is another day when PiS MPs summarize the first hundred days of Tusk's government. A day earlier, the Prime Minister argued that “for 8 years we have been dealing with servants of lies.” – I want to emphasize very clearly that during these three months we have done more than any government before in the history of the Third Polish Republic – argued Donald Tusk.

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