This is the first such race. They want to help leukemia patients

This is the first such race.  They want to help leukemia patients

May 28 is World Blood Cancer Day. On this occasion, the Foundation for Assistance to Leukemia Patients is organizing a run around the Provincial Multi-Specialized Oncology and Traumatology Center on Sunday, May 26, at 11:00. Nicolaus Copernicus in Łódź.

Center at ul. Pabianicka 62 in Łódź is the only facility in the Łódź Voivodeship where patients with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or coagulation disorders are treated.

Everyone can take part in the run. From professional athletes, families with children, fans of walking, as well as connoisseurs of running in slippers. It doesn't matter what shape we are in, because everyone will find a type of activity for themselves.

Solidarity with the sick

On that day, the organizers of the run planned attractions in the park. J. Słowacki adjacent to the hospital. M. Copernicus University, such as: educational zones on adult blood diseases, public institution zones, animations for children, concerts and refreshments.

– By organizing the run, we want to express solidarity with the patients of the Hematology Center and with all those suffering from these cancers in Poland, hence the symbolic route of the run – say the organizers. This is the first initiative of this type in Łódź. We hope that through Hemato Bieg we will be able to build greater awareness about these blood cancers and, most importantly, encourage us all to systematic prevention.

Donations collected during the run will be given to the Foundation's beneficiaries, i.e. patients with hematological and hemato-oncological diseases as well as those intended for modern methods of treatment and diagnosis of blood diseases.

More information about HematoBieg.

Straight up, a partner

The event is under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the Voivode of Łódź, the Mayor of Łódź, the Rector of the Medical University of Łódź, the Rector of the University of Łódź, the Rector of the Łódź University of Technology, the Director of the Regional State Forests, the Director of RCKiK in Łódź. The event was also held under the patronage of Wprost.

Event program

Duration 09:00 – 18:00
Start/finish point of the race street Pabianicka 62, 93-513 Łódź – in front of the main entrance to the WWCOiT hospital. Copernicus University in Łódź
The race route street Pabianicka – ul. Sanocka – ul. Krakusa – ul. Ciołkowskiego – ul. Paderewskiego – ul. Pabianicka
Competition Office Park named after J. Słowacki
Agenda 09:00 – opening of the competition office,
10:45 – start of the slipper run and the mothers and children run,
11:00 – start of the 5km / 1km run,
11:30 – start of the walk,
12:00 – awards ceremony,
12:30-18:00 picnic
18:00 – planned end time of the event.
We plan to organize attractions throughout the day in the park. J. Słowacki

100 thousand Poles with blood cancer

In Poland, every 40 minutes someone learns that they suffer from blood cancer. leukemia. Every 30 seconds in the world, one person is diagnosed with blood cancer. In Poland, over 100,000 people suffer from blood cancer. people, and almost 6,000 new patients are diagnosed every year.

In the fight against blood cancers, a comprehensive approach is necessary, including scientific research, patient support, and spreading knowledge about the prevention and early detection of these diseases.

Over the last thirty years, the number of new cases of hematopoietic and lymphatic system cancers has more than doubled. The highest incidence of blood cancers occurs in older people – between 50 and 79 years of age (approximately 60%).

Clearly disturbing symptoms of the disease are: rapid and significant weight loss, for example 5-10 kg in less than 6 months. In addition: profuse night sweats and long-lasting and repeated fevers that are difficult to associate with any specific disease, significant weakness and disturbances in laboratory parameters.

It is worth emphasizing the important role of preventive check-ups, for example annual blood counts.

May 28 is World Day for the Fight against Blood Cancer. Let's remember about our health not only on holidays.

More information about the symptoms and treatment of blood cancers.

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