This is the most important Polish volleyball player. Experts agree on this

This is the most important Polish volleyball player.  Experts agree on this

Identifying the best Polish volleyball player is not an easy task, although Aleksander Śliwka certainly deserves this title. The receiver has been nominated for the athlete of the year award, and two experts explained why he is worthy of the honor.

In 2023, the Polish national team won everything it could – the European Championship, the Nations League, and advanced to the Olympic Games from first place in the group. Additionally, ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle became the best club on the Old Continent, and won the silver medal in PlusLiga. There would not be all these successes if it weren’t for many volleyball players, although it seems that the most important one for both teams was Aleksander Śliwka.

Aleksander Śliwka – the most important Polish volleyball player

The 28-year-old was recently nominated for the sportsman of the year award, which was commented on by two experts. The first of them compared him to another Polish representative. – Wilfredo Leon can play a great match, but it is uneven, and when betting on Olek, the coach always knows what he will get and it will be a product of the highest quality – said Jakub Bednaruk, quoted by Przegląd Sportowy.

– It turned out that Nikola Grbic was right when he stubbornly bet on Olek, even when fans and experts demanded other players. The coach knew that Śliwka would repay him with good play and attitude off the pitch, Bednaruk added. What he says exactly coincides with the opinion of the Serbian coach himself about the ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle volleyball player. When Bartosz Kurek was absent during the national team season due to injury, it was the 28-year-old who took over the captain’s armband.

Łukasz Kadziewicz, a former volleyball player and now a sports journalist at Onet, also added his two cents about Aleksander Śliwka. – Everyone admires his arrhythmia during the attack. He can play strongly, but also nod, push the ball, surprise the opponent. No block in the world knows how to play against him. Olek is the most important person in the team today – he summed up.

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