This quiz will beat you. Do you know which country is bigger?

This quiz will beat you.  Do you know which country is bigger?

Test your geography knowledge and prove that you know the surface area of ​​popular countries. Each subsequent question will become more and more difficult.

It is easy to name the largest and smallest countries in the world. However, this geography quiz will be much more complicated. Your task is to choose the largest (or smallest) country from the two, three or four places given in the answers. The questions will get more and more difficult. If you score at least five points, you can reward yourself with a trip. Think carefully about your answer and watch out for traps.

The area of ​​Poland is 322,575 square kilometers. Is it a lot or a little? According to statistics, our country ranks 69th in the world in terms of size. The largest country in the world covers an area of ​​over 17 million square kilometers, and the smallest is only 44 hectares. In this quiz you can test how well you know the world map. Choose which country is the largest (you don't need to know its exact surface area in numbers). Poland or Norway? What's bigger? Do you remember how much area Türkiye and Iran have?

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