Tourists in the mountains ignored the prohibitions. It almost cost them their lives

Tourists in the mountains ignored the prohibitions.  It almost cost them their lives

One of the trails leading to Babia Góra was closed for a reason. On Sunday, May 12, a group of tourists decided to ignore it. At some point during their journey, they had to call for help.

Despite the fact that in many regions of Poland the weather has been pleasant for a long time and heralds the arrival of summer, there is still snow in some places in the Polish mountains. Without proper preparation and equipment, there is no point in going out on the trails, as it may threaten the safety of tourists. This was recently discovered by a group that decided to break the prohibitions and entered the inaccessible road leading to Babia Góra. At one point, the hikers had to call rescuers for help because they were unable to move on the snow-covered and slippery terrain.

Tourists ignored the prohibitions. Help was needed

A warning entry appeared on the Facebook profile of rescuers from the GOPR Beskidy group. They described the situation that happened to tourists and officers on duty on Sunday, May 12. It turns out that on that day, 4 hikers decided to walk along Perć Akademicka located in the Babiogórski National Park. Everything would be fine if it weren't for the fact that this trail remains closed. A group of people quickly realized why there was a certain ban here.

“The yellow Perć Akademicka trail, by decision of the Babiogórski National Park, remains closed due to active rock slides and snow cover in the gullies! On Sunday, the ban was ignored by a group of four tourists who entered the closed trail, got lost in the area of ​​Piarżysty Żleb and had a big problem navigating in such terrain and conditions,” it was written on Facebook.

The tourists had such big problems that they had to call GOPR for help.

“The rescuers on duty from Markowe Szczawiny who were on patrol heard the cry for help and then safely brought the tourists back to Górny Płaj, where they were taken over by the Babiogórski National Park Guard,” the rescuers added.

Lots of interventions in the mountains

“On May 6-12 in the Beskids, rescuers from the Beskidzka Group intervened in 15 incidents involving 19 injured people. Injuries were mainly suffered by hikers and cyclists, as well as a paraglider. Rescuers also conducted a rescue and search expedition in the mountainous area in the area of ​​the quarry in Kozy – after the interview and actions taken, the wanted man was found,” it added as a warning.

Internet users reacted strongly to the post posted by the rescuers.

“I am in favor of paying for the rescue operation and a fine”, “Breaking the ban is one thing, but knowledge of topography and preparation is a tragedy”, “I hope they get solid fines” – they wrote in the comments.

What do you think about it?

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