Tragedy in a European amusement park. The teenager died while driving

Tragedy in a European amusement park.  The teenager died while driving

A night ride in a French amusement park didn’t end well. A teenager who took advantage of one of the local attractions died on the spot. All because of the strong wind that shook the Adrenaline slingshot, which was used by the tourist.

Popular amusement parks are full of extreme carousels, roller coasters and many other attractions. Unfortunately, some of them turn out to be dangerous after a while. Accidents happen, and these are often difficult to predict.

The tragic finale of the Adrenaline slingshot ride at the amusement park in Cap D’Agde in southern France will leave its mark on the owners of the facility and may alienate potential interested parties. The fun ended with the death of a teenager, it is known that he was not the only one who suffered.

Death in an amusement park. The teenager died on the spot

17-year-old Sammy did not expect that fun in the amusement park would end tragically. He used the Adrenaline slingshot, but it did not withstand the strong wind. His gust rocked the attraction and a fatal accident occurred. The boy’s injuries were so great that unfortunately he could not be saved

The situation took place on August 6. The manager of the funfair himself, who was questioned by the police, was held responsible. An investigation has also been launched to investigate the specific causes of the tragedy. The man himself regrets the situation, and in conversations with the media he said that he still thinks about the family of the deceased boy and revealed that he would pay for the funeral,

It turns out that the attraction is to be closed permanently, even if the conditions are favorable for it to be used. Changes are to be introduced out of respect for the youngest and for safety reasons. Adrenaline is a rope swing that reaches a speed of 112 km/h. Passengers fasten their seat belts and are pulled 55 m into the air. Then the attraction is released and swings on the cable at high speed. The teenager who experienced the accident hit all possible obstacles while falling.

The victim of the accident is not only the boy

It soon turned out that more people were injured in the amusement park. Fortunately, the others escaped with their lives. A 19-year-old woman was also injured, according to the local prosecutor. She was taken to the hospital and received urgent care.

Although there has never been a similar incident in the aforementioned place in France, unfortunately, such incidents have already taken place in other similar amusement parks. The tragedy happened in an amusement park in Denmark, and even in a Polish facility in Szczytno.

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