Treasure hunters found a mysterious dodecahedron. “One of the greatest mysteries of archaeology”

Treasure hunters found a mysterious dodecahedron.  "One of the greatest mysteries of archaeology"

British treasure hunters have found one of the largest Roman dodecahedrons ever discovered. However, what it was actually used for remains a mystery.

This twelve-sided object is one of only 33 found in Great Britain. There are about 130 of them in the world. According to Norton Disney History and Archeology, an amateur group based in Lincolnshire, they are “one of archaeology’s greatest mysteries.”

The item was found in June. It is about 8 centimeters long, hollow inside and has 12 holes of different sizes. As archaeologists point out, the dodecahedron is well cast without damage and in excellent condition. “This is an example of very good craftsmanship, finished to a high standard,” we read on

The 1,700-year-old object will be on display at the Lincoln Museum until September.

The mysterious dodecahedron. Expert hypotheses

Experts are still not sure why the Romans needed the item.

“It’s something completely unique,” ​​said Richard Parker of the Norton Disney History and Archeology group. “There must have been a very good reason why it was deposited in the ground in this way,” he added.

Parker told CNN that there are no descriptions of the dodecahedron in Roman literature, nor were they depicted in mosaics.

– The dodecahedrons are all different sizes, which means they weren’t used for measurements. Since it is not damaged and shows no signs of wear, it is unlikely to be a tool, added Richard Parker. “They were most likely religious or ritual objects,” he said. — The Romans were very superstitious and generally required signs that allowed them to make decisions in everyday life, he emphasized.

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