Tusk on Matecki’s “feat”: Fiddler on the Roof

Tusk on Matecki's "feat": Fiddler on the Roof

Donald Tusk referred to the controversial event involving Dariusz Matecki. In his short comment, the Prime Minister referred to the famous musical.

On Friday, Marshal Szymon Hołownia was the first to report the entire situation. However, he did not say who was involved, although it was known that it was a politician of Sovereign Poland.

Hołownia revealed how Matecki got onto the roof

MP Dariusz Matecki himself soon reported that in the morning he decided to climb onto the roof of the Sejm to photograph the sunrise. Hołownia later received an official note from the Marshal’s Guard. He revealed the details of the case. – The MP of Sovereign Poland climbed out of the hotel room window to the roof of building “F”. Then it moved through the technical passage to the roof of building S – said the marshal.

On June 14, he commented on the matter, among others: Jarosław Kaczyński at a press conference. He said he “didn’t know why” Matecki was “walking on the roof.” – I have been an MP for 35 years. This is not the kind of thing I saw and heard. Ladies were falling out of the windows of the Sejm hotel, he said. He added that so far, no discipline officers in the PiS club have met the parliamentarian. – We are at the stage of clarifying this case: whether it was a joke or a desire to watch the sunrise. If it was about sunrise, it is not a terrible crime, but there will definitely be some lesson, said the president of Law and Justice.

Tusk: No court will buy this

Wirtualna Polska revealed on Friday that Matecki was to talk to Patryk Jaki about the whole matter. “He clarified the matter with him,” the journalists reported. The SP MP was to report the event to the SP leader as he would to journalists. He said he stood on the balcony, behind the railing. After taking the photo, he returned to his home. The portal also contacted one of the SP MPs (a member of the Law and Justice club, he was not mentioned by name), who stated in an unofficial comment that the opposition (the right political side) now has “its own problems” and the SP MP “is adding subsequent” such situations.

In the evening, Donald Tusk also commented on the matter. “Fiddler on the Roof, or a method for the insane. No court will buy this,” said the Prime Minister. He referred to the musical, the music to which was written by American composer Jerry Bock. The main character is the milkman Tevye. After a while, Sovereign Poland reacted to the head of government’s entry. “What about transferring hundreds of migrants from Germany to Poland, what about the great problems of the National Health Fund, what about stopping the Central Communication Port, what about the lack of implementation of 90 percent. “(one hundred) specifics”. The MP took a photo of himself on the roof!”

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