Tusk responded to the PiS action. He reached for Morawiecki’s declaration of assets

Tusk responded to the PiS action.  He reached for Morawiecki's declaration of assets

In response to the “specifics of Tusk” presented by PiS, the leader of the PO indicated “real specifics of Morawiecki.” The former prime minister reached for the asset declaration of the current head of government.

On Thursday evening, Law and Justice announced that it would suspend the presentation of its election program until Saturday, and instead they would “read Tusk’s program.” On Friday morning, politicians of the ruling party present the unfulfilled promises of the Civic Platform from the 2011 program.

– Donald Tusk announced that on Saturday he would give his one hundred specifics. No need to wait that long, we have the specifics. The specifics of Tusk’s shame are a hundred cases, of which over 90 percent he couldn’t or didn’t want to do it – said Mateusz Morawiecki in the spot opening the “National reading of Tusk’s specifics” campaign.

Donald Tusk responds to the PiS action

In response to the action, Donald Tusk “revealed” Morawiecki’s “specifics” in social media. The PO leader showed Morawiecki’s asset declaration on the recording. – These are the real details of Mateusz Morawiecki – he pointed out.

– Treasury bonds worth PLN 4.4 million, a house with an area of ​​approx. 150 square meters – worth PLN 1,900,000, an apartment with an area of ​​72.4 square meters worth PLN 1,100,000, a house with an area of ​​100 square meters worth together with buildings and plot of approximately PLN 3,500,000, a segment worth PLN 1,200,000, half owned by Mateusz Morawiecki, and an agricultural plot worth PLN 200,000. PLN – calculated Tusk.

According to the PO leader, “this is just the tip of the iceberg.” – What he hid and prescribed for the family will come to light when we win the elections – announced the former prime minister in the spot.

Convention Battle

On Saturday in Tarnów, a nationwide PO convention will take place. During the event, “100 specifics for the first 100 days of governing” will be presented, if the PO wins the elections. According to the announcements of KO politicians, among them there will be m.in. civic projects regarding in vitro refunds and increasing social pensions, parliamentary projects of the KO club, and proposals regarding climate and environmental protection.

On the same day, a presentation of the electoral program of Law and Justice will take place in Końskie. – At the next convention, which we have planned for September 9, we want to present the main points of the program – Prime Minister Morawiecki announced at the end of August on Polsat News.

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