“Wara from Poland”. The Prime Minister announces a safe border project

"Wara from Poland".  The Prime Minister announces a safe border project

Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced a defense plan code-named “Shield East”, which will strengthen the Polish border with Belarus and Russia.

– We have decided to invest PLN 10 billion in our security, and above all in a safe eastern border. We are starting a large project to build a safe border. We have already mobilized this PLN 10 billion, we have started this work, so that the Polish border will be safe in times of peace, so that it will be an impassable border for the enemy in times of war. We have named this national defense and deterrence plan code-named Shield East, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Saturday in Krakow.

Shield East. Donald Tusk announced a new defense plan

– This will be an element of deterring the enemy so that they will hear from the Krakow market square “stay away from Poland” – he said about plans to strengthen the border in the east.

The Prime Minister also said that the Polish soldier would be a guarantor of safety thanks to modern equipment. – We also decided, so that there will never be a feeling of shame or any omission, to take care of the equipment of every soldier, and in the near future, every reservist – this is a program under the codename Szpej, the Polish soldier will be equipped and uniformed, because he deserves it – he emphasized.

In the context of the hybrid war waged by Russia, he said that next week he would inform the public about the actions of the Polish state aimed at the authors of provocations, acts of sabotage and sabotage. –Yes, unfortunately we have been dealing with them in recent weeks. The Polish state will be absolutely ruthless, he assured.

Then, the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, noted that “cooperation within, among others, “NATO is our main task.” – United we will act. We will defend Poland's borders, sovereignty and independence, he said. –Let us build the Eastern Shield and we will carry out the tasks of deterrence and defense, which is extremely important as the largest country on the eastern flank, he said.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz took part in the ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino and the establishment of the 2nd Polish Corps Day.

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