We know what Tusk and Duda's visit to the USA will look like. We know the official plan

We know what Tusk and Duda's visit to the USA will look like.  We know the official plan

Donald Tusk and Andrzej Duda will meet US President Joe Biden in Washington. The Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the Chancellery of the President publish detailed plans for visits.

Andrzej Duda and Donald Tusk will pay a joint visit to Washington on the 25th anniversary of Poland's accession to NATO. The Prime Minister's Office has already published a detailed plan for the head of government's visit. Donald Tusk will leave for the United States on Monday, March 11, but the first official points are scheduled for Tuesday. The Prime Minister will begin his visit to Washington with an entry in the guest book, and then go to the Oval Office, where a commemorative photo of Tusk, Duda and Biden is planned.

Plenary talks with the participation of the Prime Minister and the presidents of Poland and the USA will start at 15:35 local time and will last about an hour. Then, the head of the Polish government will make a statement to the media.

The plan of Andrzej Duda's visit also appeared on the website of the Chancellery of the President. On Tuesday, March 12, the president will begin his day in Congress by meeting with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumeren and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. He will then meet with House Speaker Michael Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. After the meetings, Andrzej Duda's press conference is scheduled, after which the president will go to the White House.

Duda and Tusk in the USA. What will they talk to Biden about?

The US ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski, spoke about the visit of the prime minister and president to Washington in an interview with “Fakt”. The diplomat emphasized that this was a “unique and important” event. – It will be a celebration of the risk taken 25 years ago – NATO's expansion to join new countries from the post-communist region in order to improve our collective security – he emphasized. – It was Joe Biden who led the preparation of the act expanding the Alliance to introduce Poland to NATO. Therefore, President Biden has been personally involved in the expansion of NATO and the defense of Poland for years – he reminded.

– Trade between the United States and Poland is growing. I think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg on this topic. More business is on the way. This is an important milestone in US-Polish relations. There is no more valuable space in the US president's agenda for March 2024 than the visit of the Polish authorities. Poland got this slot. Congratulations, President Duda and Prime Minister Tusk – said the ambassador.

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