What about the area after the burned center at Marywilska Street? The investor has already spoken

What about the area after the burned center at Marywilska Street?  The investor has already spoken

A huge shopping center at Marywilska 44 in Warsaw burned down in the morning. There are 50 fire brigades on site, as well as city representatives. Tomorrow, officials will meet with merchants to find out what they need.

In the morning, flames appeared in the Marywilska 44 shopping center – it was the largest shopping center in Warsaw specializing in wholesale and retail trade. The flames quickly occupied all halls, and rescue operations were carried out by 50 teams, including the Chemical and Ecological Rescue Group.

There is no information about any injured people, but practically all the goods collected in the halls were destroyed. This means huge losses for entrepreneurs trading in over 1,400 retail outlets (mainly clothing and footwear, but also home decorations). The stands were run by merchants from Poland, China, Vietnam, Georgia and many other countries. Many of them previously traded at the Tenth Anniversary Stadium, and then, until 2009, in Kupieckie Domy Towarowe in the center of Warsaw.

Mirbud announces the reconstruction of the shopping center

The shopping center belonged to the Mirbud capital group. A journalist from Business Insider contacted the company to ask what it envisions for the future of the center. Paweł Bruger, Director of Corporate Communications at Mirbud, said that so far the facility's authorities have not received any information about the possible causes of the fire. They are waiting for the official results of the investigation. He also did not want to discuss the rumors appearing in the media that it was not an accident but arson. – Until the conclusion of the services' proceedings, we do not make assumptions – emphasized Paweł Bruger.

He also firmly announced that the hall would be rebuilt. However, it is too early to plan the details. He also did not respond to the journalist's question about whether existing buyers will have priority in renting the premises.

Will the city help merchants from Marywilska 44?

Monika Beuth, spokeswoman for the capital city hall, told PAP that the city is kept informed about the situation. – The capital's security center is constantly in contact with the services. We are ready if any support is needed, she emphasized.

When asked about helping merchants, she replied that “it will be necessary.” – The first task is to secure the area, extinguish the fire, and from tomorrow we will meet and talk about how the city can support merchants – she added.

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