What needs to happen for Aryna Sabalenka to overtake Iga Świątek? Bad news for Polish women

What needs to happen for Aryna Sabalenka to overtake Iga Świątek?  Bad news for Polish women

The current tennis season is marked by Aryna Sabalenka’s pursuit of Iga Świątek. Although the Belarusian claims that the first place in the WTA ranking is not her obsession, she may already overtake the Pole at the US Open.

This year’s edition of the US Open began on August 28, and like almost every tournament in 2023, it is marked by competition – direct and by correspondence – between Aryna Sabalenka and Iga Świątek. The tennis player from Belarus was asked how important the leading position in the general classification was to her. We also know what he has to do to outdo the Raszynian team.

Aryna Sabalenka on her position as the leader in the WTA ranking

The topic of possibly overtaking our compatriot returned, of course, at one of the press conferences organized during the American Grand Slam. – I don’t have to focus on it, because generally it’s not something I think about during tournaments and my matches – replied the second racket of women’s tennis quite diplomatically, quoted by tennis365.com.

– I know that I have had and will have the opportunity to become number one, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I focus on myself rather than the ranking, Sabalenka emphasized. – However, I realize that if I play my best tennis, I will be able to become number one. At the same time, I try to devote all my attention to myself, the game and my own development, she said.

What must Aryna Sabalenka do to overtake Iga Świątek?

Already in this year’s edition of the US Open, the Belarusian may overtake Iga Świątek, who enters the New York competition as the defending champion. Currently, the White-Czerwona team has 9,955 points and an advantage of 1,209 points over its biggest rival. On the other hand, the Pole will soon lose 2,000 points from the ranking, and the Belarusian will only lose 780 points, because last year she only reached the semi-finals of this tournament.

If we subtract these points from both players’ pools, we get a score of 7,966 to 7,955 in favor of Sabalenka. But what must happen for her to take the leadership position? The task is both easy and difficult. It is enough for the 26-year-old to go one round further than the Raszyn competitor. As an example – if Świątek reaches the quarterfinals, the Belarusian must reach the semifinals and so on.

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