What’s new on WhatsApp. The messenger will gain six useful functions

What's new on WhatsApp.  The messenger will gain six useful functions

WhatsApp will receive interesting new features that will make it easier to use the popular messenger. Beta testers report as many as six different fixes and improvements to the functions available in the application.

Meta engineers are working hard to develop WhatsApp. The application, which has billions of users, has gained many new functions, gradually added to the pre-release version of the application. What’s new for users?

WhatsApp – new features in the beta application

The latest element added in the WhatsApp beta version is the ability to search in the Updates tab – a characteristic icon with a magnifying glass will appear in the top navigation bar. This allows you to easily search statuses and channels, which will significantly facilitate navigation in the new messenger tab.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, because Meta dynamically updates its popular messenger. Just yesterday, beta testers of version noticed the function of pinning messages in channels (for 1, 7 or 30 days) and a renewed menu for sending attachments.

At the beginning of the week, engineers added new formatting tools to the pre-release version. They make it easier to create point lists or highlight quotations using simple tags. What’s more, the app also includes a quick communication window, allowing you to add a comment to a photo or file being sent. At the same time, copying links from messages on WhatsApp channels has been made easier.

All of the above improvements are currently in beta. It is not certain when exactly they will reach the stable version of the popular messenger. Typically, WhatsApp updates the program in waves, and the news gradually reaches a wider audience

Paid Facebook and Instagram, but no ads

As we wrote in Wprost.pl, Meta may be preparing a new option for European users. The company has already submitted appropriate documents to EU regulators, which may herald a new approach to advertising and the use of user data.

The owner of Facebook and Instagram will allow you to use these applications for free, provided that he can track users in order to tailor ads to them. An alternative is a fee that will disable advertising spots on the platform.

The first subscription option only applies to Instagram on mobile devices. The cost of getting rid of ads will be $14 per month (approximately PLN 62). The second subscription option includes Instagram and Facebook, but on stationary devices. This service will be a bit more expensive, because Meta charges $17 a month for it, or about PLN 75.

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