While on vacation, she ordered lobster for dinner. She paid PLN 900 and didn’t eat it

While on vacation, she ordered lobster for dinner.  She paid PLN 900 and didn't eat it

A tourist spending her holiday on an Italian island decided to contribute to the protection of the environment and animals. She ordered lobster for dinner but didn’t eat it at all. What she did with it moved Internet users.

Every now and then, the media makes a lot of noise about tourists who have shown unusual behavior. This is certainly what one of the tourists doing on holiday in Sardinia did.

The woman went to one of the Italian restaurants for dinner and ordered lobster for dinner. She paid 175 pounds (approx. PLN 900) for it. From the very beginning, however, she had no plans to eat this dish.

Surprising behavior of a tourist in a restaurant

The heroine of the story went with her husband to the Gente di Mare restaurant serving seafood. It is located in Golfo Aranci on the Italian island of Sardinia. She ordered lobster in Catalan. She paid 175 pounds (approx. PLN 900) for it. However, she had no plans to eat it. The tourist asked if something would happen to the animal if it fell from a height.

Antonio Fasolino, who runs the restaurant with his brother Gianluca, told local media: “At first I thought she was joking. But I quickly realized she was serious and wanted to do a good deed.”

She rescued a lobster from a restaurant

The man told how he took the lobster out of the tank and weighed it in the kitchen. He quoted customers the weight – almost two kilograms – and the price of £175. He then placed the live lobster in a transparent bucket and placed it next to the couple’s table.

The Swiss woman then asked whether the lobster would get hurt if it was dropped from a height. After being assured by those present that this would not happen, she gently dropped it into the water. At the time, her husband and others present in the restaurant were filming it.

According to reports, the lobster touched the water and immediately swam away. “Seeing her joy and excitement, I was moved too. She was very happy that she could save this animal,” Antonio said.

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