Will a starter apartment divide the coalition? Czarzasty spoke up

Will a starter apartment divide the coalition?  Czarzasty spoke up

The left is cautious about the “Mieszkanie na start” program proposed by the Ministry of Development. However, the co-chairman of the group, Włodzimierz Czarzasty, assures that there will be no arguments in the coalition over the new housing program.

A week ago, the Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman presented details of the “Mieszkanie na start” program, which is to replace the “Safe 2% loan”.

Will “Apartment for starters” cause quarrels in the coalition?

The new solution does not arouse the enthusiasm of the coalition Left. Co-chairman of the group, Włodzimierz Czarzasty, was asked today on Radio Zet whether the state should subsidize the installments repaid by borrowers. The politician replied: “No.” – Loan subsidies increase the price of apartments, developers increase prices and banks increase fees – Czarzasty argued.

When asked whether there was going to be a quarrel in the coalition over the new housing program, Czarzasty assured that this would not happen.

– There will be talks within the coalition. I accept that the housing crisis, which involves 1.5 million people lacking apartments, will be implemented in different ways – said the co-chair of the Left. – Let’s follow two or three paths proposed by the Left – it includes those who cannot afford a loan, that is, building for cheap rent – added.

Czarzasty emphasized that everything must be done to solve the housing crisis.

“Starter apartment” – rules

Let us remind you that the “Mieszkanie na start” program will have an age limit for singles of up to 35 years. Other households will not have such a limit. However, there will be income limits, the thresholds will be:

  • 10 thousand PLN gross for a single room

  • 18 thousand for 2 persons

  • 23 thousand for 3 people

  • 28 thousand for 4 people

  • 33 thousand for 5 people.

The interest rate will be:

  • 1.5 percent for 1- and 2-person households

  • 1 percent for 3 people

  • 0.5 percent for 4 people

  • 0 percent for 5 people.

This means that the so-called announced in the campaign credit 0 percent will only apply to families of 5 people.

The interest subsidies will be for 10 years and will amount to no more than:

  • 200 thousand PLN for a single-person household

  • 400 thousand PLN for a 2-person room

  • 450 thousand PLN for a 3-person room

  • 50 thousand each for each additional person.

The Minister of Development and Technology announced that the government’s new housing program will be launched in mid-year.

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