Will Donald Tusk’s government be “better” or “worse”? The study shows this clearly

Will Donald Tusk's government be "better" or "worse"?  The study shows this clearly

What do Poles think about the current government? Will the Council of Ministers, headed by Donald Tusk, cope “better” than the United Right?

These are the results of the Opinia24 poll, published by TVN24 on the X platform (formerly: Twitter) on January 18. They show that:

  • 48 percent respondents believe that the government currently in power will be “better” than the previous one, led by Mateusz Morawiecki,

  • 33 percent has a different opinion,

  • 19 percent chose the option “it’s hard to say”.

Among 48 percent optimistic about Donald Tusk’s government, 21 percent he says I will be “definitely better.” 21 percent he thinks it’s “rather better.”

And among 33 percent negative attitude towards the future under the rule of the Civic Coalition, 15 percent believes that it will be “definitely worse” – reports TVN24.

The study was conducted between January 8 and 9. 1,002 Polish residents took part in it. It was carried out using computer-assisted telephone interviews, we read.

Comparison to a similar study

A similar study was conducted a month earlier – SW Research was responsible for the survey. It was made for “Rzeczpospolita”. Then:

  • 42.3 percent respondents claimed that the current prime minister’s government would be “better”,

  • 25 percent had a different opinion,

  • 15.3 percent believes that there will be no difference between Morawiecki’s government and Tusk’s,

  • 17.4 percent “no opinion.”

The survey was conducted among online users between December 12 and 13. On December 13, the Council of Ministers – Donald Tusk’s third government – was sworn in by the head of state. A group of 800 people over 18 years of age were analyzed.

Does Kaczyński have reasons to be concerned?

Recently, the Pollster Research Institute conducted a survey for “Super Express”, the results of which are also worth mentioning. The newspaper published it on January 17.

If the elections were held on January 14, respondents who were asked which party they would vote for stated that:

  • in 32.78 percent they would vote for the United Right,

  • and 31.69 – for the Civic Coalition.

1,040 Poles responded. They responded on January 13-14.

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