Will Tusk stand up to von der Leyen? “This could mean a big crisis.”

Will Tusk stand up to von der Leyen?  “This could mean a big crisis.”

Will Poland oppose the regulation supported by Ursula von der Leyen? Speculation is mounting in the political corridors.

In June 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restoration of natural resources (Nature Restoration Law). As noted, “the overarching objective of the proposed regulation is to contribute to the continuous, long-term and sustainable recovery of biodiverse and resilient nature on EU land and sea through ecosystem restoration, as well as to contribute to the EU's climate change mitigation and adaptation targets.” thereto and fulfilling the Union's international obligations.

Will Tusk oppose von der Leyen? “This may mean a major crisis in relations at the European level”

As SmogLab reported, the document does not cover the issues that farmers are currently protesting against. The regulation does not include, among others: provisions regarding fallowing. Journalists of the mentioned portal, citing sources in the European Commission, said that it was questionable whether it would be possible to push through the new law, and Poland was to be one of the blocking countries. Unofficial findings show that Donald Tusk does not intend to support the regulation. – This is incomprehensible, because his key electorate supports green solutions – said an anonymous government source.

– Donald Tusk's government must decide whether it is in favor of protecting and restoring nature both in Poland and in Europe. Nature is destroyed so much that now is the time to recreate it. Nature Restoration Law prevents droughts and floods, and thus ensures our safety, including food security. Achieving biodiversity indicators works on the principle of incentives that come with huge amounts of money. It is the state and the members who decide how they will improve the condition of their ecosystems – analyzed Radosław Ślusarczyk from Pracownia dla Wszystkich Stoty in an interview with SmogLab.

Could Poland's possible opposition to the new law cause political complications? “If Poland uses its decisive position against the proposal supported by Tusk's good friend Ursula von der Leyen, it may mean a major crisis in relations at the European level,” SmogLab journalists predict.

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