Xiaomi will help in the colonization of Mars

Xiaomi will help in the colonization of Mars

OPEN Architecture together with the Chinese giant of the electronics market – Xiaomi presented a project of a Chinese capsule that would be used to colonize Mars.

During the China House Vision 2018 competition, OPEN Architecture and the giant on the electronic devices market – Xiaomi, presented a joint MARS Case project, i.e. a minimalist shelter for astronauts who will colonize the Red Planet. The exhibition takes place on the grounds of the famous “Bird’s Nest” stadium in Beijing, which was built for the Olympic Games.

The capsule is designed to be lightweight and compact. The dimensions are 2.4 m wide, 2.4 m long and 2 m high. The equipment of the building is folded and hidden so that it is not damaged during transport. As the capsule is adapted to life in the extreme conditions of Mars, it will also work in any climate on Earth.

The shelter was designed with the idea that humanity will face the challenge of minimizing the use of energy and all resources in the future, and that recycling will be necessary for survival. This will also result in the need to reduce the living space. Despite the universal form of the message, the project was set in the reality of the colonization of Mars, during which these values ​​will be even more noticeable.

MARS Case responds to all the challenges that the future will bring. The capsule is a combination of technological achievements, optimal design and architecture. All used electrical devices connect to each other wirelessly and can be controlled using a smartphone.

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