You won’t take your phone with you on this vacation. The travel agency has an unusual offer for tourists

You won't take your phone with you on this vacation.  The travel agency has an unusual offer for tourists

The travel agency came up with an unusual idea. He offers tourists holidays without a telephone. Would you be tempted to go on such a trip? See what it looks like exactly.

Representatives of the tourism industry regularly come up with more and more interesting ideas on what to offer to travelers. Some time ago we reported that a Japanese company offers free or much cheaper accommodation in exchange for work. Tourists can come here, work and in return receive a large discount on accommodation or even a free bed.

Another revolution is being prepared by a travel agency that now offers holidays… without a telephone. What is such an expedition and why can it make sense nowadays?

The travel agency offers holidays without a telephone

The FTLO Travel travel agency wants you to take a vacation without a phone. And as part of this offer, it has prepared trips to Italy, Portugal, Mexico and Cuba. Mexico

A company that deals with organized trips for solo travelers in their 20s and 30s wants to offer customers a phone-free holiday. The brand is launching a new series of international ‘phone-free’ tours in 2024 to help people free themselves from their phones and fully engage in adventure.

“In today’s digital age, we are becoming increasingly dependent on smartphones, which negatively impacts our well-being and ability to be present. We want to eliminate the distraction factor so that travelers can fully engage in visiting a given place and build relationships with other travel companions,” says Tara Cappel, founder and CEO of the company, in an interview with Travel+Leuisure.

How does traveling without a phone work?

Tour participants will be required to lock their phones for the duration of the trip. Instead, they will have to rely on things like maps with driving directions and pocket dictionaries if help with translation issues is needed.

“By eliminating dependence on smartphones, our goal is to provide travelers with an immersive and adventurous journey. “I hope it encourages them to connect more deeply with both fellow travelers and locals – by asking a local vendor for directions, by ordering an unfamiliar menu item, or simply by making better eye contact,” adds Cappel.

Phone-free tours include four-day trips to Havana, Cuba (February 7 to 11), Costa Rica (April 10 to 13), Portugal (June 16 to 23), Tuscany (September 15 to 22), Iceland (from November 6 to 10) and to Oaxaca (from December 4 to 8).

What do you think about it?

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